We’ve developed a new search engine to make your life easier, not to trigger an existential crisis. Trust us, we just want you to find the perfect music quickly, easily and directly. With built-in AI, you’ll be able to search in a more intuitive, efficient and personalised way. Discover over 1.5 million tracks, perfect for any kind of audiovisual project.
Artificial Intelligence and much more
KongaSearch has evolved: a more visual interface, more efficient Similar Tracks, choose between Ignore Vocals and prioritise BPMs with integrated AI, search by collections or themes, personalised workspace…
Play Video about Nuevo KongaSearch, Prompt Search, IA integrada
Prompt Search: the power of imagination
Imagination is an infinite canvas where boundaries blur and the impossible becomes tangible. AI was unimaginable, but now it is here to stay. Introducing: Prompt Search, the tool that translates your words into music by fusing technology and creativity. It allows you to type whatever you want into the search bar, in your own language, using specific references or even entire briefs. Searching for music has never been easier.
More visual interface and 100% friendly navigation.
Responsive with all the features.
More efficient Similar Tracks with integrated AI.
Filter by Ignore Vocals or Prioritise BPMs with integrated AI.
Search by collections or themes.
Custom Workspace.
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Access the new KongaSearch
To log in, just remember your email address (not your username) and password. And don’t worry. Your playlists, tags, favourite tracks… will be exactly where you left them last time.
KongaSearch: The smartest way to find the music you need.