Play Video about Documental Susi. Una elefanta en la habitación

Documentary Susi. Una elefanta en la habitación

Soundtrack documentary

Production music

The documentary “Susi. Una elefanta en la habitación” by Ana Luz Sanz, puts into perspective the historical origin of zoos, a heritage of colonialism and imperialism that addresses the current debate on the zoo model from different points of view, with testimonies from animal activists, like Alejandra García or Leo Anselmi; veterinarians such as David Perpiñán, Adrià Voltes or Joyce Poole; representatives of the Barcelona Zoo, Sito Alarcón, current director, and philosophers such as Marta Tafalla.

The documentary is a co-production by Camille Zonca & TV3, for the program Sense Ficció of the same channel, and has a wide repertoire of musical themes from Konga Music Agency, some of them, those that sound in the trailer: Whispers of the Earth from our label Altitude UnderscoreMuch to Consider from Bigger Story Music or You Crossed the Line, from Clockwork Orange, all of them labels from the group BMG Production Music.

