Play Video about Production Music campaña «CaixaForum» Nueva temporada

"Presentación Nueva Temporada" Spot for CaixaForum

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Production music

The Winter Movement from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons Symphony is one of the most influential and memorable classical compositions. Listening to the notes of the piece, which, according to experts, ingeniously describes the effects of the cold and the shivering of the body, best conveys the power that this season of the year can have on all bodies and forms, living and inert. That is the power that culture has over our society, and the latest spot for the presentation of the new CaixaForum season has managed to reinterpret this concept. With the help of a chopped montage and cultural resources from all periods, the notes of Vivaldi merge with the images to create a product with great strength and capable of explaining to us that our society creates culture and culture is part of our society.

Once again, the music is the cherry on the cake by bringing coherence and emotion to this audiovisual project.
